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Organizational pressures

Absence of PSP: Rotating shifts, long hours, and working holidays and weekends are requirements of the job for PSP and take away from important family routines and activities. Organizational pressures such as staffing and resource shortages further contribute to tension between work and family. PSP families have little control over unpredictable work schedules and can find themselves competing with the organization for family time.

Co-worker camaraderie: PSP often rely on co-workers and are required to work as a team. PSP may bond with their co-workers through shared experiences. It can be helpful for them to debrief and seek support from each other after a potentially traumatic incident. This is a valuable support for the PSP but can challenge intimate relationships. SSOs (spouses or significant others) can feel left out when the PSP turns to co-workers for support.

Commitment and loyalty to the job: Organizations require a high level of commitment from PSP. As essential emergency services, PSP are expected to respect the risks and requirements of the job. In practical terms, this means that work time often takes priority over family time. Families face challenges so that PSP can maintain their loyalty and fulfill their commitment.

Challenges of organizational expectations

Effects on family life

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References for this page (click to expand)

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