Childcare, eldercare, and household demands can pile-up and create unique challenges for PSP families. There is evidence that many families can adapt and manage these demands successfully, but the nonstandard schedules and risks associated with PSP work can add significant stress to day-to-day life. Role overload is experienced when work and family demands are not in harmony and cumulative demands describes the co-occurrence of pressures and responsibilities that build up over time and can be difficult to navigate. For example, a combination of overtime hours, canceled leave, and an illness in the family can contribute to family conflict and problems. Families or individuals may struggle to manage a pile-up of responsibilities and obligations, and the associated stress can have a negative effect on their health and wellbeing.
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Providing Eldercare
Eldercare refers to the care of older adults, often by their adult children. When families engage in eldercare, there are additional ongoing demands on time and schedules for families to try to balance.

Managing Childcare
The demands of childcare can be challenging for all families. Shiftwork, shift changes, and overtime hours mean that PSP families can face more complex situations. These demands can pile up and overwhelm PSP families.

Juggling a Two-Career Household
Dual-career households are households in which both adult partners hold demanding jobs. If a spouse or significant other (SSO) of a PSP also works shifts, the challenges increase. Attention must be given to transitions, planning, responsibilities, and scheduling.

Feeling Overwhelmed
The experience of cognitive overload is often associated with expectations and a sense of responsibility to do too much.