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Shimona Sekhar

Shimona Sekhar PMP, B. Sc.

Senior Project Director

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Amélie Fournier PhD

Clinical Research Associate

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Claudel Parent-Boursier

Claudel Parent-Boursier PhD

Clinical Research Associate

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Samir Guerioune

Samir Guerioune, Masters (Psych)

Clinical Research Associate

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Manon Mousseau

Manon Mousseau PhD

Clinical Research Associate

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Cheryl Hymus-Fraser

Cheryl Hymus-Fraser MSW

Clinical Research Associate

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Melissa Scheltgen

Melissa Scheltgen MSW

Clinical Research Associate

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Luke Schneider

Luke Schneider PhD

Clinical Research Associate

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Hugh McCall

Hugh McCall M.A.

PhD Student, Clinical Psychology

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Caeleigh Landry M.Sc.

PhD Student, Clinical Psychology

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Benjamin Katz BSc

Research Assistant

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Shaylee Spencer RSW/MSW

Clinical Operations Manager

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Alyssa Clairmont BSc

Research Assistant

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Jill Price PhD

Research Associate

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Christina Chaisson B.A. (Hons)

Community Outreach and Engagement Coordinator

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Gabriela Ioachim PhD

Research Associate

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Online Therapy Unit Support

Marcie Nugent

Marcie Nugent MSW

Clinical Operations Director

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Andrew Wihelms

Andrew Wihelms BA

Research Associate/Technical Support

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Kelly Adlam

Kelly Adlam MSW

Etherapist Supervisor

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Web Application Development

Max Ivanov

Max Ivanov

Website Development Team

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Communications Support

Jane Uttaranakorn

Jirayu (Jane) Uttaranakorn MFA, MASc

Web And Social Media Specialist

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Administrative Support

Donna King

Donna King CCSc

Executive Director, CCJS

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Leslie Anne Keown

Executive Director, CIPSRT

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